The same client as yesterday, Alisha was in the studio again today. I discovered that Alisha is extremely intelligent and didn’t seem as young as she really is. It was interesting for me to compare her to the older clients I have observed in the studio. I saw that Jim and Alisha were in sync. It was clear that Alisha knew exactly what she wanted to hear when she was creating her music. Jim explained to me that this client normally does piano, guitar, and strings on her songs and most, not all, of her songs have only those three parts. Fernando and Jim are trying to get Alisha to think out of the box and try different sounds. Alisha played on the piano for a bit while she tried to do what they asked of her. They changed the effect they put on the piano many times because the previous ones didn’t sound enough like strings. You could still hear the piano popping through. Jim, Alisha, and Fernando all wanted more of an ensemble sound. Jim stated that he needed to “flat line the velocity” so that every note was clear.
Alisha then went into the vocal room to record vocals for the song they had been working on. Jim had to make mixes for the songs before she could do any tracks. I was not fully able to understand what he meant by that. Jim was very polite and respectful of her before she started recording. He asked her many questions, for example, how loud she wanted her vocals, and if everything else, such as the guitar, was as loud or soft as she wanted. As the tracks were being recorded, Jim put something that looked like brackets underneath a certain sections. My guess was that they were to mark a precise part for some reason.
Alisha’s voice was breathtaking! I was amazed to hear how mature and powerful her voice sounded. After she finished the lead vocals, she added a lower harmony to some phrases in the song. Then they worked on the vocals for the second song. Jim had her sing all the way through but then he went back to phrases he wanted her to sing over. They agree that they want to add background vocals but just to “compliment”. This song has lead vocals and they both want to keep it that way.