My name is Emily and I am a high school student in Oro Valley, Arizona. This blog is to serve as a journal of my experiences interning from September 2010 through April 2011 at a professional recording studio through the Internship 101 class at my high school.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Day #11
Joe and I were in the office and he told me about a newsletter that is sent out every month. The recent newsletter contained information about the Grammy nominations of a few songs that Jim had been involved with. He wanted to sort of push them out for Grammy voters. While Joe worked on that project, I edited Jim’s Pure Wave Audio website. There were a few products that needed to be deleted from the website, so that is what I did. For the rest of the time, Joe gave me a second tour of the studio. We went through each room and he explained to me in detail of what each item did for the entire recording process. It was an extremely helpful thing because now that I know more about the industry, I could comprehend and better connect the words he was saying with what I had observed. It was a drastic difference of knowledge for me compared to the very first day when Jim did the same tour.